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How to move beyond early stage to growth stage – key considerations and trends for growth stage investors of Fintech Lenders

Jose Colorado

June 3, 2024


5 Min

Emerging Market Trends
SixPoint Capital Emerging Market Fintech Lending Summit

Effective Strategies for Scaling Operations

Jose Colorado – (SixPoint Capital)

The fintech landscape is continuously evolving, posing unique challenges for growth-stage lenders. These companies must not only focus on expansion but also ensure their growth strategies arewell-aligned and effective. One key area of concern is how these lenders can identify and implement scalable strategies that help expand their market presence. Additionally, they need to successfully adapt their products to meet the diverse requirements of different regions, particularly in emerging markets. What are your thoughts on this?

Alvaro Perezcano (SpeedInvest)

At the organizational level, establishing strong governance is crucial, especially as a company scales rapidly. Hiring a competent CFO is essential to make sense of the financial numbers, which can easily become disorganized during periods of intense growth. Creating audit committees, risk committees, and compliance departments is vital to ensure the company tracks all covenants and avoids breaches. This governance structure becomes increasingly important at post-seed stage, when the business model is proven, and scaling begins. A phase where things can often start to break down. Additionally, aligning the business model and fundraising strategy with the type of investors likely to support growth stages is crucial. In emerging markets, investors are typically not the venture capital (VC) firms that initially backed the company, but rather development banks, private equity funds, and infrastructure investors. Understanding and preparing for this shift is essential for continued success.

Hiring a competent CFO is essential to make sense of the financial numbers, which can easily become disorganized during periods of intense growth.

Sebastian M Gasman (AccionVenture Lab)

As an early-stage investor, I fully agree with the importance of governance. At AccionVenture, we focus heavily on governance when we invest in seed to Series A and B stages. We've seen lenders successfully scale from managing portfolios of $5 million to over $200 million. However, it's important for CEOs to balance their focus between scaling the lending side of the business and exploring new product areas. While scaling is crucial, maintaining the broader vision of being a tech company, rather than just a tech-enabled lender, is vital. This approach keeps a broader range of potential investors interested, particularly if the company aims to raise a Series B round.

Andres Pesce (KAYYAK Ventures)

In many sectors, particularly in fintech, the barriers to entry are low, but the barriers to scale are high. This is due to the significant challenges in distribution and the continuous need for funding. As companies grow, the difficulty in securing ongoing funding increases. Successful founders must be capable of establishing strong operating platforms and consistently raising funds to navigate these challenges.

In many sectors, particularly in fintech, the barriers to entry are low, but the barriers to scale are high. This is due to the significant challenges in distribution and the continuous need for funding.

Adrian Araujo (Mittel Capital)

Growth requires profitability and a healthycapital structure. Many founders grapple with the paradigm of prioritizinggrowth over profitability, particularly in fintech lending, where the reversemight be more applicable. It's important to handle this mindset carefully toensure sustainable growth.

Matias Barbero (FJ LABS)

Lending can be tricky because it's easy to achieve immediate product-market fit by offering money, but the challenge lies in getting it back. When observing explosive growth in lending startups, caution is advised. It's often preferable to see steady, manageable growth rather than uncontrolled rapid expansion. This approach ensures sustainability and long-term profitability.

Adrian Araujo (Mittel Capital)

In real estate, particularly in emerging markets, one might find assets with an 11% return, but borrowing costs might be 14%, resulting in a negative carry. Understanding profitability and the cost of capital is crucial to avoid losing money as you grow.

Exploring the Role of Impact Investing in Financial Inclusion

Jose Colorado – (SixPoint Capital)

In recent years, impact investing has gained prominence to drive positive change in the financial sector, particularly within fintech. As we emphasize the role of impact investing in addressing financial inclusion challenges, a crucial question arises: how can growth stage lenders ensure that their investments not only yield financial returns but also make a meaningful impact on improving access to financial services in underserved communities?

Sebastian M Gasman (AccionVenture Lab)

At Venture Lab, where we focus on impact investing, we believe it's essential to let impact drive the business model from the outset. In emerging markets like Latin America, where a significant portion of the population is unbanked or underinsured, there's a vast opportunity for building unicorn-level companies by addressing these gaps. By focusing on creating solutions for underserved populations, businesses can naturally scale while making a meaningful impact.

Understanding the diverse spectrum of capital providers in the impact space is crucial. Some might be willing to sacrifice financial returns for greater impact, so knowing where your business fits within this landscape can enhance your approach to accessing impact capital.

Andres Pesce (KAYYAK Ventures)

Impact investing amplifies the positive effects of capital deployment in society. In Latin America, venture capital is intrinsically linked to impact, particularly in fintech, where it improves access to financial products. The challenge lies in enhancing the quality of life without raising costs. Venture capitalists play a societal role by encouraging risk-taking and innovation.  

Impact and returns are intertwined; scalable impact requires profitability to recycle capital and sustain growth. For instance, companies like Galgo and Xepelin are providing innovative financial solutions to underserved markets, demonstrating that it's possible to achieve both impact and profitability.

Impact measurement is critical. For example, Galgo's financing for mobility in underserved areas of Chile, Colombia, and Mexico has shown that 86% of customers had no prior access to similar products. Similarly, Xepelin provides B2B financing to companies previously excluded from the market. These examples highlight the importance of measuring impact to validate the efficacy and sustainability of these business models.

Alvaro Perezcano (SpeedInvest)

Building a fintech lender in emerging markets inherently involves impact. Effective integration of impact measurement from the outset not only ensures good business practice but also aligns with the expectations of growth-stage investors, such as development banks and DFIs. This preparation is crucial for successful fundraising and long-term sustainability.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Financial Services

Jose Colorado – (SixPoint Capital)

In the era of technological advancement, integrating AI and blockchain with data analytics is reshaping the financial landscape. Can growth stage lenders strategically incorporate these technologies to enhance operational efficiency, risk assessment, and customer experience?

Matias Barbero (FJ LABS)

Early-stage companies often adopt new technologies easily due to their flexible tech stacks. However, as companies grow, they must remain adaptable and continuously integrate innovations like AI to stay competitive.

Examples from our portfolio, such as UNI in Brazil using large language models (LLMs) for customer interaction and Slope GPT for quicker credit decisions, illustrate the importance of maintaining a tech-forward approach.

Andres Pesce (KAYYAK Ventures)

Digitalization, particularly in emerging markets, improves the distribution of financial products. Companies like Oral Lending, which integrates dental insurance into dental clinic operating systems, showcase how digitalization can expand access to financial services. The focus should be on leveraging digital tools to enhance distribution and access to funding.

Alvaro Perezcano (SpeedInvest)

Sustainable lending models in emerging markets depend on data and collections. Companies that possess unique access to relevant data or innovative collection methods can differentiate themselves from traditional lenders. For instance, embedding financial services within sales processes can streamline collections and enhance profitability.

Sebastian M Gasman (AccionVenture Lab)

Maintaining the ability to swiftly react to technological developments is vital. Companies should ensure their products are designed to upgrade and incorporate new technologies over time. This flexibility is crucial as startups scale and evolve.

Fostering Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Jose Colorado – (SixPoint Capital)

Successful fintech lenders must foster strategic partnerships to sustain growth. Can collaborations with other fintechs, traditional banks, and non-financial entities create synergistic environments that drive sustainable growth?

Andres Pesce (KAYYAK Ventures)

The convergence of efficient originators and the rise of private debt funds is reshaping the lending landscape in Latin America. Effective founders constantly nurture relationships with private debt providers, ensuring access to the necessary capital for growth.

Sebastian M Gasman (AccionVenture Lab)

Lenders can leverage existing networks to reach small businesses more effectively. Embedded financial services can provide unique access to customer bases, making it easier to scale and offer financial products. An example is Visit, a company that integrates financial services for subcontractors in the construction industry.

Alvaro Perezcano (SpeedInvest)

Creating value beyond lending can enhance sustainability. For instance, B2B marketplaces should ensure their core business is profitable without relying solely on lending. This approach not only boosts profitability but also positions the company favorably for fundraising and valuation.

Adrian Araujo (Mittel Capital)

Effective partnerships can expedite access to incentives and subsidies, enhancing the sustainability of financial products. Aligning efforts across institutions and market players is essential for long-term success.

Jose Colorado – SixPoint
Jose Colorado


Alvaro Perezcano (SpeedInvest)

Alvaro Perezcano

Matias Barbero (FJ LABS)

Matias Barbero

Andres Pesce (KAYYAK Ventures)

Andres Pesce

Adrian Araujo (Mittel Capital)

Adrian Araujo

Sebastian M Gasman (AccionVenture Lab)

Sebastian M Gasman